Tuesday, December 23, 2008

How Outbound Links affect Page Rank

In my last post, I discussed that in certain cases outbound links prove beneficial for your website. You can have a look how they are beneficial and in what cases you must place outbound links in your website in my previous post. Now in this post we will have a look how Google calculate the Page Rank for a certain Page and what is the affect of the outbound links of a page on Page Rank of the page. No doubt, not all of us want a higher PR. Here are few SEO Tips of mine, which I learn from my SEO Experience that how you can earn good page rank from Google.
•Update your web page regularly. Now if you update your Web Pages regularly Google will give you 2 points out of the ten total points.
•Add new Web Pages regularly in your website. You will be getting 4 points from Google if you add regular new pages to your website.
•Google will award you with 7 points if you have good neighborhood with the ranked directories.
•Google will give you 8 out of ten points if you link to giant monster sites like Face book, Orkut, Digg, Now public, Stumble, Squidoo, Live etc.
•Google will award you with 9 out of ten points if your website has good and quality in bound links.
•Google will award you 5 out of ten points if your website does not contain any broken links.
• If you have considered all the above-mentioned points, Google will award you 10 out of 10 points.
Now you must consider these few things before starting your struggle for PR. Now what role out bound links play in your PR and how Google ultimately calculate your PR is here. Suppose you got a page, “A” and you want to calculate the PR of page “A”. Now the PR of the page “A” calculated as
PR (A) = (1-D) +D (PRP1/O+PRP2/O+PRP3/O+…...+PRPN/O)
Do not get confused let me explain this formula. Here D stands for the dumping factor which the original PR and diluted on the bases of links coming from the other websites. It has value of 0.85 in most of the algorithms. PRP1 to PRPN is the Page rank of all the pages to which your web page is linking and O stands for number of outbound links of each page. In more simple words, we can define it as
“A” page's Page Rank = 0.15 + 0.85 * (a "share" of the Page Rank of every page that links to it)
Share= PR of the page divided by the number of outgoing links

Now from this equation we came to find out the relationship of outbound links to your PR. If the page linking to you has numerous out going links it can harm your PR. In my last article, I told you not give an outbound links to link farms and Spam sites. Now here it shows how these spam sites can harm your PR. Suppose you exchange a link with a website having PR 6 and number of outbound links are equal to 500 and on the other hand you exchange a link with a website having PR 3 but number of outbound links are only 50 or below 50. According to my SEO Experience, I will suggest you link with the site having PR 3 with 50 outbound links. There are many things, which can play a role in breaching Page rank of your page, and they are.
• Dirty Inbound Links like links form poker, porn and adult websites
• Link Spamming
• Duplicate or copied content
• Broken Links
• Black Hat SEO Techniques
By following these SEO Tips, you can surely achieve a good PR and you can easily analyze what role played by outbound links in PR

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Role of Outbound Links in Search Engine Ranking

Almost all of us know that links play an important role in search engine optimization. Get links is one of the most common SEO Tips that people implement in their SEO. In my SEO Experience, I consider Links as the votes of the other sites given to your own website. The higher the votes your website acquire from other websites, higher will be the ranking of your website in search engine ranking. Your website can have two types of links from the other websites.
  • The Inbound Links or the Back links
  • The outbound Links or External Links
Inbound Links
These are those links, which are coming to your website from the other websites. People recommend having a high number of quality back links achieve high rankings in Google.
Out bound Links or External Links
These are the outgoing links from your website to the other website over the internet. The role of outbound links is a bit controversial in achievement of search engine rankings. In today’s article, we are going to discuss what role actually played by the outbound links to achieve search engine rankings.
Role of out bound links in Search Engine Ranking
There are hundreds of factors on the bases of which a search engine rank a particular website higher and outbound links in one of those factors. According to my SEO Experience out bound links helps you in getting yourself interconnected with web. By help of linking, you make friends and visitors from their website tend to visit your website. Many people say that out bound links breech the quality of your website and results in dropping the PR and traffic statistics of your website. However, according to my SEO Experience if out bound links used with proper caution and knowledge they will indeed help you in gaining both PR and traffic. Here are some SEO Tips that you must follow to place outbound links in your website.
  • Do not add too many out bound links in your website as it may consider spamming by search engines
  • Always try to add the outbound links of those websites that fall into your category and are relevant to your website.
  • Try to add high-ranking websites in your outbound links as it will play a vital role in boosting up your ranking.
  • Do not link spam web sites as search engine can consider your website a spam website
  • Do not link to link farms and automated linking systems
  • Try to use the anchor text wisely and efficiently. Do not use your Keywords in the anchor text. Try to use “Click here” or “Click” as an anchor text for your outbound links.
Advantages of having quality outbound links
  • Linking with the other websites can help you in getting two way traffic that is form their website to yours and from your website to their.
  • You can show your reader that you are interconnected in blogosphere and you are talking on the latest topics being discussed in the blogosphere.
  • Links will help in bringing repeat customers
  • Always keep in mind the universal law that you will definitely receive something after giving
  • Outbound links shows that you have confidence in your website and there is nothing to hide
  • By not linking to the other websites you are sending your visitors back to search engine and you will get nothing out of it
By following these SEO Tips in getting outbound links you will defiantly feel an increase in your website traffic and website ranking

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Find out your Website is Indexed in Major Search Engines or not

The major reason of Implementing SEO Tips to our website is that we want it to be top in any search engine. According to my SEO experience it is very necessary to check out weather your website is indexed in the search engine or not as it let you know how many pages of your website are currently listed in Google. In order to check out weather our website is included in the database of a certain search engine there are a few commands. These commands can tell us either our website is indexed in that particular search engine or not. There are a few steps which you must make sure are completed before checking that your website is indexed in a particular search engine or not.
• Make sure you have registered a domain
• Make sure you have uploaded your website and all the necessary data to the Web Server
• Make sure you have submitted your website in Major Search Engines
After making sure that you have completed the following steps you are now in a position to check weather your website is indexed by search engines or not. Let us start with the most popular search engine that is of course Google

How to check weather your website is indexed in Google
• Open the Google search engine in your browser
• In the search box type the command site:http://www.abc.com
• Where http://www.abc.com must be replaced by your domain name.
• It will display a list of indexed web pages of your website in Google

How to check weather your website is indexed in Yahoo
• Open the Yahoo search engine in your browser
• In the search box type the command site:http://www.abc.com
• Where http://www.abc.com must be replaced with your domain name
• It will display a list of indexed web pages of your website in Yahoo
How to check weather your website is indexed in MSN
• Open live.com in your web browser
• In the search box simply type the whole URL of your website.
• If your website is indexed by MSN it will display all the web pages indexed in MSN

Reason your website is not listed in major search engines
There are many reasons due to which your website is not indexed by most of the search engines. According to my SEO experience these are a few reasons due to which your website is not indexed in search engines

• Your website has not been indexed yet
• Your website may contain frames in its design Structure
• Your website contain broken links
• Your web site is not search engine friendly means it may contain loads of images and other media.
• Your website is not hosted on a reliable server
• You have placed duplicate content on your website
• You have dynamic structure of your URL which is not followed properly by many search engines

Friday, December 19, 2008

What is Keyword Density and how to use keywords in content?

What is Keyword Density?
Almost all of us know that if we want to bring our website or blog at the top ranking in Google we have to use that Keyword in our content to an optimum level. However the use of a certain keyword must be viewed carefully and properly as Google or other search engines may consider this thing as spamming. So what is the appropriate level of density of a certain keyword in your content? According my SEO Experience there is no such proven keyword density formula which makes you sure that after implementing that formula you will rank at top against a key phrase in certain search engine. However there is a matter of common sense about the usage of the keywords in your content. This common sense varies from person to person and this is called your keyword density formula.
According to my SEO Experience and my SEO Tips I use following simple and easy steps to calculate density of keywords in my content.
•Write down the content in any editing software like MS Word or any other of your choice.
•Now use a tool called word count to count the total number of words in your content.
•Now suppose you want to optimize your content for a certain keyword say “SEO Tips
•Use the Find tool of the editing software to find out the keyword “SEO Tips” in your content.
•Highlight the Keyword “SEO Tips
•Now manually count how many times this keyword appears in your content.
•Now suppose the total number of words in your content are 1000
•Say you have used “SEO Tips” 10 times in your content.
•Simply divide number of keywords with total number of words in your content.
•The answer will be 10 divided by 1000 = 0.01
•Now Keyword density is the percentage of the keyword used in the content so the result will be multiplied by 100 to find out the percentage
•Now keyword density will be 1 percent

Appropriate Keyword Density in Content
Now the question arises what is the appropriate keyword density which must be followed. There is no hard and fast rule of having a particular keyword density but it’s recommended that your keyword density must be ranged from 3% to 5%. However Google algorithm changes this range from time to time

Where to use Keywords to achieve appropriate Keyword Density?

No this is very important question that where to use keywords to achieve keyword density and to avoid spamming. For example you have a content consisting of 200 words. To achieve 5% keyword density you have to use a certain keyword 10 times in the content according to our formula that is 200 into 0.050 =10. Now if you use the keyword only in the content it can be consider as spamming by the search engines. Here are a few locations where you can place your keywords to avoid spamming
•Try to use the keywords in Heading and sub headings
•Use keyword in the Meta tag of that particular page
•Try to use keyword in bullet listing or try to use in bold or italic format
•Try to break the content in various paragraphs and spread the keywords in those paragraphs
•Try to avoid the use of keyword twice in a line
•Try to use Keywords in the bread crumbs

By using these SEO tips you can surely achieve optimum keyword density with avoiding any penalty by search engine for spamming.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Role of Meta Tags in SEO

Well all of those who are new in the SEO Business have heard about the term Meta tags and their importance in the SEO. People say that Meta tags play an important role in boosting your ranks in Google. Yes, it is right but let me explain you that Meta tags are not Magical Miracles, which can take your website on the top of a search engine. According to many SEO experts appropriate Meta tags is one of the many SEO Tips must be followed to achieve high rankings in Google or any other search engine.
A few years back Meta tags were really magic bullets and were one of the most efficient and widely used methods to boost search engine ranking. However, Meta tags are still effective to be notice by any search engine.
What is a Meta Tag?
• A Meta tag is a hidden tag in the head section of any blog or website
• Meta tag provides additional information of your document to the search engine
• It has three section content, name, and http eqiv
• Meta tags do not have a closing tag
SEO Related Meta Tags
The most commonly and widely used Meta tag, which also related to SEO enhancement of your website is name and content Meta Tag. Content can be any valid string and name contains value that is useful for the page.
Parts of Meta name tag

    <meta name="keywords" content="SEO, SEO Tips, Search Engine optimization, SEO Experience, SEO Experience">

  • description - a short description of the page

    <meta name="description"
    content="Boost your marketing strategy with SEO Tips">

  • author - the author's name and possibly email address

    <meta name="author" content="creative182002">

  • robots - to allow or disallow indexing by robots

    <meta name="robots" content="noindex">

  • copyright - the copyright date of the page

    <meta name="copyright" content="December 2008">

    SEO Tips to Enhance Meta Tags
    • Meta tags are use in head section of the HTML page. Always use the keywords and description related to your website and blog in Meta tags
    •Describe your page and website in a one-line description. Do not use long phrases or paragraphs in your description tags.
    •Do not spam your keyword tag with a long list of the keywords, only add those keywords for which you are sure that your website related to and people can find you easily using those keywords.
    Example of Meta Tags
    Copy the below mentioned code and add this code to the head section of your website. You have to add your keywords and description in the content section of the below mentioned code


    <meta name="keywords" content="SEO, SEO Tips, Search Engine Optimization, SEO Expereince">

    <meta name="description" content="SEO Tips for all your needs.">


  • Sunday, December 14, 2008

    Steps in Keywords Research and Placement

    Steps in Keywords Research and Placement
    Today I am going to write one of the most important aspects of on page SEO that is keyword selection and placement of the keywords on your web pages or websites. Right keyword placement and selection plays an important role in boosting the ranking of your website in various search engines.
    The very first step is to analyze your website for traffic. Analyze either your website is receiving traffic or not. If your website is not receiving traffic just sit and brain storm the keywords and right them down in an excel work sheet. Find out the keywords mostly searched in your niche by the people. You can find these keywords with the help of Keywords tools like Google Keywords Tool, Overture and Word Tracker etc.
    However if your site is receiving search traffic from any search engine create your own seed list by pasting historical data from search engine in to your own excel worksheet. Now if you feel that you have enough keyword data to use them in your website go on using them however if you think data is still insufficient you can use junk mails, analysis of your competitors website, television programs and news resources to generate fresh and competitive keywords for yourself. You can use dictionary and thesaurus as well to create modifications for your keywords. You can use semantically similar phrases, which you think are the searched most in search engines. You can use the range of keywords tools to find out the best keywords with appropriate search volumes as well. Now when you are ready with your selected terms just open Microsoft Intelligence, Google Keyword Tool or Google Keyword Estimator to find out whether these search terms have sufficient search volume. If you find these search terms have low search volume then promptly discard those search terms for SEO. You can use low volume group in your PPC Campaign later. Do your keyword terms has certain market value for your business if no then discard the low volume search terms. Run a low cost and effective ad word Campaign to find out the conversion estimate for your keywords, traffic and test wording. Discard low performing keywords from your list and use negative keyword to remove irrelevant search results. Align keywords with URLs and store the keywords and the related URLs in the excel file. Use conversions and ranking data to improve your site structure and pages for those you wanted to build the links.

    Friday, December 5, 2008

    Track your Website with Google Analytics

    What can Google Analytics do for you?
    Google analytics is an analytic tool for your website. This means you have launched a new website and you want to track the traffic, visitors, number of visitors viewing your pages, which pages of your website are viewed most by the visitors, which is the landing page of the website, the average time spent by visitors on your website. You can track all this information with the help of a single tool and that is Google Analytics. Google Analytics also helps you in generating and focusing you on your return over investment. You can find out how many visitors are following the right path and how many visits are actually converting into purchases over your website. It helps in tracking the sales and let you know from which sites and the links traffic is coming to your website.
    Implementation of Google Analytics
    The implementation of the Google Analytics is very easy and you just have to follow the systematic process guided by the Google Analytics itself. Just sign up for a Google account with your existing Google account or if you do not have a Google account create one with Gmail. Log in to your Google Analytics account after signing up at http://www.google.com/analytics. After logging in, they will ask the URL of your website. Enter your website URL and hit the continue button.
    Google Analytics will provide you with a code, which is in the form of Javascript. Example of the code is as below
    Example Code:

    UA-xxxx-x, here xxxx-x will be replaced by Google Analytics as they will assign a unique tracking id to your website. Copy the code from the Google Analytics and paste in the home page of your website after the head tag in the body tag. You can Place code anywhere in the body section. After pasting and saving the code in the HTML code of your website, click the check status button of your Google Analytics account to ensure that analytics is tracking your website properly.
    Setting Google Analytics for Ecommerce
    You can set up Google Analytics for your Ecommerce website as well. However, you have to make minor changes for doing this. On goal setting page, do not insert any goal value. In site profile, change the profile of your website as an Ecommerce. Insert the tracking code in the receipt page in the standard fashion. below the tracking code you will need to insert the code for e-commerce tracking.

    Everything that are within the [] has to be replaced by actual values by your engine. The final output would actually look something similar to

    UTM:T34535Main Store111108.068467.0610.00San DiegoCAUSA
    UTM:I34535XF-1024Urchin T-ShirtShirts11399.009
    UTM:I34535CU-3424Urchin Drink HolderAccessories20.002

    For every transaction there will be one Transaction line that is indicated by the “T” after UTM – this line contains the total for the transaction including taxes and other information. The lines with an “I” after the UTM is the Item line and these contain the details of the items, their price and other details. There can be unlimited number of item lines for any transaction. An Item line generated for each of the items that are processed during the transaction.
    The final step is to call the function “utmSetTrans” when the form gets submitted. This is important to record the e-commerce information. This can be done in two ways.

    You can call the function on Body OnLoad as shown below

    If you do not have access to the body tag then you can call it within a separate Script tag. You need to ENSURE that the function is called AFTER the form.

    Thursday, December 4, 2008

    Technical Glitch in Adword: Adword Payment Failed

    I manage Adwords campaigns for a couple of clients and 3 of them have had their campaigns suspended because of payment failure.The problem only started happening this week and I've verified that their credit cards were valid/had sufficient funds.I contacted my Adwords Agency Manager and they've notified me there's a technical glitch and Google's engineers are still trying to resolve it. Before this technical Glitch I also faced a technical problem as an post paid customer. My client choose to be a post paid customer of the Google adwords and we add up our credit card information along with all the necessary details. However the Campaign never started and gave strange errors that you have reached your daily campaign budget, It was very irritating as client need instant update for his Adwords Campaign. I try my best to resolve the problem with the Google adsense payment module, I also mailed to the support center of the Google adwords team to switch my account from the post paid to the prepaid one so that I can start my Google adwords campaign but I didn't receive a single reply. Then I find out some help on the internet and came to know that the post paid account cannot be changed into a pre paid account. Ultimately I have to delete my Google adwords account and I built a new account for my Google adwords Campaign.

    Anyone else have this problem?

    Wednesday, December 3, 2008

    Tips to increase visibilty of your website

    So you have a new site and would like to obtains some back links and have people start
    visiting your site? Below is a list that will show you a number of techniques used by the
    pros on a daily basis to get a site ranking well in the search engines!

    Here is the list:
    • Write an introduction and submit it to share sites like Digg , Reddit and Now Public.
    • Create a Yahoo Group in the niche your site sits.
    • Create a MySpace account and use it to publish your site.
    • Bookmark your site on Del.icio.us and if you're really keen, add aDel.icio.us button to your homepage.
    • Create a Technorati account and "claim" your blog.
    • Submit your site to free, search engine friendly directories. An excellent list can be found here.
    • Conduct a survey. This is an excellent way to generate offline publicity.
    • Place a free ad for your company on Gumtree .
    • Syndicate your site's content by using an RSS feeds.
    • Submit your RSS feeds to aggregation sites like FeedBurner ,Squidoo, Feedboy, Jordomedia , FeedBomb, FeedCat, rssmad, feeddirectory and feedfury.
    • Write an article related to your site and submit it to article sites.
    • Sign up to StumbleUpon and get your friends to Stumble your site.
    • Create a custom 404 page so that even if someone encounters an error on your site, they are re-directed somewhere nice.
    • Set up a 301 redirect to take traffic from your non-www address to your www address.
    • Add a link to your site in the signature of any forums you post on.
    • Tell your friends about your site. It's free advertising init.
    • Speel cheek ur stie. Nothing appears more amateur than a site with typos or spelling mistakes.
    • Test your site and make sure it appears correctly in all major browsers.
    • Buy enough hosting. No one likes a slow site.
    • Offer your users as many ways as possible to contact you. MSN, Skype, Yahoo etc all complement email, phone and a real address.
    • Advertise your site on Craigslist. It's free, relevant and localised.
    • Do NOT use frames.
    • Submit your site to DMOZ.org. It may take time, but it's worth it.
    • Create an XML sitemap of your site and submit it to Google.
    • Get a custom t-shirt made with your website url on it, and wear it often.Ask a large breasted lady to wear one too.
    • Sign up with an affiliate programme to sell your product, or if you're a publish, make some cash!
    • On your Contact Page ask people if they mind receiving your newsletter.
    • Send out a newsletter!
    • Go to a free seminar for Website owners. You might learn something.
    • Find quality and relevant blogs and leave a comment (with a link back to your site of course).
    • Don't pay people to submit your site to search engines. It's a waste of money.
    • YouTube and Google Video are excellent portals on which to launch a viral campaign.
    • Giving away an eBook is an excellent way to generate word-of-mouth about your site.
    • Sponsor a Wordpress theme or a phpListDirectory template.
    • If you sell products that are advertised on television by the manufacturer, add "As Seen on TV" to your site!
    • Avoid propriety technologies like Java and Active X.
    • Put down loadable content on your site, but make sure it's not manufacturer specific - so mp3 rather than wma.
    • Learn about CSS. It's the new HTML.
    • Contribute to related subject areas on Wikipedia.
    • Ask bloggers and other Web site owners to review your site and/or products.
    • Have user friendly page names - most tools comes with some way to avoid http://www.yourdomain.com/Page...84332
    • If you must have a Flash homepage, make sure you have a "Skip Intro" link.
    • Tell your local rag about your site. These newspapers are desparate for stories and you may well even get a pic of your ugly picture published.
    • Become a leading authority on your chosen subject.
    • Donate money to a charity and most will place a link on their site back to you.
    • Abide to W3C standards it will help your site in the long term.
    • Your local community sports teams offer cheap, but highly effective sponsorship opportunities.
    • Publish your site on related forums - but don't spam!
    • Ask bloggers to write about your site or product - in return for a link of course.
    • Offer a competition related to something in the news - so football around the time of the World Cup etc.
    • Add a "Tell a Friend" function to your site, so people can easily recommend you to their mates.
    • Have a Sitemap on your site to allow users to navigate around quickly and to aid the search engines.
    • Have a nice keyword rich title at the top of each of your pages. Users and search engines both like descriptive titles.
    • Include a Feedburner button on your site so people can easily subscribe to your feed.
    • If you use PPC then create a landing page for each of your AdWords - it'll boost your conversations no end.
    • Appear on Dragon's Den.
    • Create a Press section on your site where can you store all your press releases, logos and banners.
    • Add a link to your site from within your eBay profile.
    • Ask your friends to give you honest feedback on your site.
    • The best way to find someone to do any kind of work on your site is through personal recommendation.
    • Gain exposure by submitting photos and pictures to Flikr .
    • Share your banners on banner exchange sites.
    • Make sure it's easy for your users to subscribe to your RSS feed.
    • Create a "lense" for your site on Squidoo
    • Ask friends, collegues and associates to "Favourite" your blog on Technorati
    • You can add a Bulletin to your MySpace account promoting your site that all your MySpace Friends will see.
    • Response to your customer's emails promptly, even if it is with a simply auto-responder. No one likes to wait 3 or 4 days for an acknowledgment of their contact with you.
    • Get a professional Copywriter to give your site a once over. If you are on a tight budget, limit to the just the homepage.
    • Make a list, "Top 10"s work well. Update it regularly to give your visitors a reason to return.
    • What did you learn today? Tell other people and they might learn something too.
    • Do you have really hot content on your site that geeks would love? If so Slashdot will bring you a mass of traffic.
    • Deep link directories are an excellent way to promote inner pages of your site.
    • Meta tags might carry less weight than previously, but you should still have them on every page.
    • Ask your Gran for feedback on your site. Never ignore the silver surfers.
    • Include a "Add to your Technorati favorites" button on your site.
    • Google Analytic is free and will tell you all you need to know about who's visiting your site.
    • Search engines will find you. Don't pay money for your site to be "submitted".
    • Don't be afraid to link to other sites, especially if they are relevant and to highly respected sites.
    • Keep It Simple Stupid: use CSS to control layout, style and colors and use HTML text rather than graphics to represent text.
    • Validate your HTML and CSS. It'll help ensure your site displays well in all browsers.
    • Small pages sizes and optimized graphics will give your site a snappy feel and won't require users to wait around for it to load.
    • If you plan to submit your site to lots of directory or article sites - create an email especially for this. Delete it when you're finished to avoid spam.
    • "Link baiting" means writing some killer content that people will want to link to. Like a "101 Tips to Improve Your Web Presence" list!
    • If your chosen field is technology related then write a "whitepaper". That's a posh name for an article.
    • Google receives roughly 50% of all search requests, Yahoo 25% and MSN just 10%. That's a good rule of thumb as to how much emphasis to put on each.
    • Make sure you have a robots.txt file in the root of your Web site. You can use this to control search engines, but if nothing else it'll reduce the number of 404 errors in your Weblogs.
    • Free online games, a forum or chat rooms will give your users a reason to come back to your site.
    • Ebooks with re-seller rights make an excellent "free gift" for your site.
    • Upload your product feed to Froogle It's FREE!
    • Search out unanswered questions on Yahoo! Answers and add your site as the "Source".
    • Yahoo are catching up with Google with an excellent set of webmaster tools called Site Explorer
    • Don't buy traffic. It's un-targetted and won't convert.
    • Pay Per Click advertising gets you fast results - and if it's handled well can be very profitable.
    • Upload a favicon.gif file so that your users have a nice icon when they bookmark your site.These ranking techniques should be more than enough to get any site ranking very, very well!

    Tuesday, December 2, 2008

    Good Operating System Introduces Cloud Operating Systems

    Gos or good Operating Systems that is widely known by their Wal-Mart computers have launched a new browser based operating system called “Cloud”. With the help of this Operating System you can access web based service and applications like Google, Yahoo and Live without booting your Windows Operating System. The first demonstration of cloud operating system was on Netbook World Summit on a Gigabyte touch screen. You can use this operating system for basic computing over the internet and can switch to your Xp or Windows operating system for further computing. Cloud not only support emails and web applications but can be used to browse MP3 and flash visuals as well. The intimate access to the web by Cloud operating system powered by compressed Linux based Kernel with the help of which you can have full control on your computer with the help of this browser.

    Cloud features a beautifully designed browser with an icon dock for shortcuts to favorite apps, tabs for multi-tasking between web and rich client apps, and icons to switch to Windows, power off, and perform other necessary system functions. Users power on their computers, quickly boot into Cloud for Internet and basic applications, and then just power off or boot into Windows for powerful desktop applications.

    How to hit PR 4

    There are many ways to get a PR 4 to your website
    1. Given the assumed dampening factor of 0.85 and the base-6 system for each PR level a single PR4 and a single PR3 would do the job, as long as the link to your site was the only followed link on each of those pages including internal links

    Other ways to get there:

    Get 7 Links from PR3s
    Get 42 Links from PR2s
    Get 252 Links from PR1s

    Really that's all useless though, because it's highly unlikely you'd be the only link on a given page. If there are other links on the page, you'll need to take the above numbers and multiply them by (links + 1) to see how many you'd need. For example, if those pages all had 10 links on each of them (plus yours), you'd need to multiply by 11 to see how many you'd need. Using those numbers, you'd need:

    You need 77 PR3s
    You need 462 PR2s
    You need 2772 PR1s

    Those are probably more reasonable numbers, since most pages have plenty of internal links to compete with your link for the juice.

    Monday, December 1, 2008

    List of 50 Top Paying Google adsense Keywords

    All of us are loking forward to earn from Google adsense like others. We can earn from Google adsense only if we have a list of highly paying Keywords. Here is a list of highly paying keywords through Google adsense:

    1 ca lemon law
    2 portable trade show exhibit
    3 conference calling service
    4 pennsylvania lemon law
    5 lasik new york
    6 fortis health insurance
    7 cord blood banking
    8 california lemon law
    9 illinois lemon law
    10 annuity settlement
    11 consolidate credit card debt
    13 donate used car
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    Google adsense Fake Payment Proofs

    All of us are striving hard to earn from Google adsense. Most of us implement many tips and tricks to earn from Google adsense. When we see the Google checks from our friends and colleagues we really want that we also have same. There are many websites over the Internet which generate fake Google adsense receipts showing the earning you input in them. Means they have an input interface and you place some figures like 100 or 90 at the input interface and click on the button. They will generate a fake Google adsense earning report for the sum of money added by you. Here is an example of Fake Google adsense Payment proof